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How To Download The Adobe Acrobat Reader


Information On Down loading And Saving Adobe Acrobat Reader To Your Computer

Most of my programs come in e-book form (pdf format).

To open the files in the pdf format you must have adobe acrobat on your computer. If you already have adobe acrobat on your machine make sure it is version #5.1 or my files will not open or print out correctly.

click the link If this opens up you have adobe acrobat reader on your machine. Give it a minute to load

if it doesn't open you need to down load adobe acrobat reader or you have an older version of the adobe acrobat reader. To down load the FREE Adobe acrobat reader click on the link This is for windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP. It is 8.6 MB

If you have an older computer (windows 3.1) you will need to down load this version of the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader. for windows 3.1

Read my instructions and then look at the pictures. They may look a little different on your computer if your not on windows xp. But the steps are still the same. First thing you do is click on the down load link I have listed above to get the adobe acrobat reader. Then the file download will pop up. See picture below

Click on save. Now you will see the save as box

You will see the words "Save In" and there will be the name of the folder where this file is going to be saved. Saving to your desk top is a good idea too so you can easily find it. If you want to save it somewhere else you will need to click on the drop down arrow at the top of this box. Then you will see your files and hard drives. Click on the hard drive you want to use if you have more than one. I have clicked on my c: drive.

Now click save in the lower right hand corner.

Now you will wait for the file to down load. Depending on the speed of your computer it could take about 20 minutes or so for this to down load. Another little box will pop up after it has been down loaded.

Now click on "OPEN" ( My mouse is pointed at OPEN NOW but do not open that one. Open the first one that only says "OPEN" Now the adobe file will be down loaded on to your computer. After that is done

click on test pdf file again Give it a minute to load

You will have your new program now opened!! Congratulations!!