Seal Harbor Daycare
Preschool Curriculum
Circle Time, Art Time & Learning Time – View Pictures !!

My preschool curriculum
provides a circle time, art time, learning time and a special activity for five days per week.
We start our morning program off each day with circle time. To begin our circle time, we discuss with the children the weather outside. We have the children look out the window and then we ask them "What is the weather outside?" If you have a lot of younger children they may not be able to answer correctly, then
we give them hints; such as, (Is the sky white or blue?) if its white does anyone know what that means? (It’s cloudy) "Is it raining outside?" Is
snowing outside?" Is it cloudy outside?" Is it windy outside?" We have a weather chart and each day we have one of the children move the arrow to the
correct weather for that day. The weather chart is included in the toddler or preschool curriculum.
Next we focus on the calendar.
I will ask the children "Does anyone know what day it is?" If no one knows what day it is, I
will tell them, "Today Is Thursday." I made a felt calendar with numbers that have Velcro on their backs to stick to the calendar. The children take turns
putting up the numbers each day to show that days date. The Toddlers are too young to understand what a calendar is but they still have fun sticking up the
numbers. Our calendar is in my dining room and the children need to climb up into a chair to be able to reach the calendar to put on the numbers. I always
stand nearby when they are climbing onto the chair incase they start to fall. After the number for the day is put up, we start at number one, on the calendar
and I have the children count with me, to the new date that we just placed onto the calendar. As they say the numbers I point to the numbers on the calendar
to help to teach them their numbers.

Seven Days Of The Week Song
After the children finish with the calendar we move onto singing. The first song we sing is the Seven Days Of The Week Song to help reinforce learning the calendar.
Seven Days Of The Week Song
There are seven days in the week, seven days in the week. There are seven days in the week. "Hold up 7 fingers"
And I know them all. "Point to self"
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday is the last one. Saturday ends the week. "Teacher will point to each day on the calendar"
Repeat song.
The children learn to sing the seven days of the week song quickly, if they hear it every day, even our older toddlers can sing it!

Ring A Round The Rosie
Children learn quickly through songs and hands on activities. To help reinforce each weeks theme we introduce a few new songs each week that focus on that Weeks theme. Children really enjoy songs that are interactive, where they can act out the songs with hand or body movements. We make sure to include some of the children's favorites each day, such as:
The Wheels On The Bus
If You’re Happy And You Know It
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
ABC Song
Old McDonald Had A Farm
And some finger plays we do are:
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
One Two Buckle My Shoe
5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
5 Little Monkeys Teasing Mr. Crocodile
Plus others.
Children like repetition so don't be afraid to sing any song the children really like on a daily basis, but try to add a few new ones each week. Don't expect the toddlers to sing with you but they really enjoy music so please sing. In time they will be showing the hand movements to the songs and nursery rhymes they hear often and before you know it they will start to sing a word or two.

Story Time
During circle time we read a few books. At least one of the books we read is centered on our weekly theme.
We read a lot of books each day to the children. A few of their favorites are:
The hungry caterpillar
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
The Red Ripe Strawberry
Rainbow Fish
The Mitten
We also read stories or poems to the children that we can make interactive with the children, such as five monkeys jumping on the bed and then we encourage the children to act out the story.
We may put a blanket on the floor to be the bed and then have the children jump up and down and have one child pretend to bump his head and then have that child leave the "bed" . We will pick two other children too, one to be the mother and one to be the doctor.

Stories On The Felt Board
We also provide the children with felt board stories. We will show the characters and felt board props that we are reading about on the felt board, and after the story the children can come up to the felt board and play with the pieces and this gives them an opportunity to reenact the story on the flannel board. A few of the children's favorite flannel board stories are:
The three pigs
Billy goat gruff
The three bears.
Occasionally some of our circle time or learning time activities may require use of a flannel board or magnetic board. If you do not have a flannel board or a magnetic board you can improvise by using a large piece of felt for a flannel board, or your refrigerator for the magnetic board.

Picking A Letter
We start our circle time activity with a discussion but usually involves a fun activity such as a learning activity, game, singing songs, hearing a story, etc. I try to get all the children to sit together in a circle on the floor. I never force any child to participate, but I do try to encourage participation.
Once you purchase my curriculum, you can easily find each days circle time activity by opening up the lessons and following the instructions for that mornings circle time.
Todays circle time envolves using a small cloth bag (or a pillow case) and putting some letters inside the bag. We cut out some circles from heavy paper and put letters on the circles. We used twelve letters and made duplicates of each letter. We then took a muffin pan and wrote the same letters onto the muffin pan. See the next picture for an explanation of how the game is played.

Matching Letters
We use a twelve cup muffin pan and each muffin cup holder has a different letter written on it, that matches the letters that we placed on the circles. The children will take turns picking a letter from the cloth bag.
After the first child has chosen a letter, I will ask them what "letter" they have chosen and if they do not know the name of the letter, I will ask the other children if they know the name of the letter, if no one knows the name of the letter I will tell them the name of the letter and then I will have them match their letter to the letter on the muffin pan and place it into the correct muffin cup holder.
We will repeat this activity with each child until all the circles have been used or until the children lose interest.

Fun With Letters
In the picture above, we are working on teaching the children their letters. One child was working on A and it is completed above in the picture, the other child is still working on her letter.
We have taken masking tape and with the tape we have made letters for each child onto the floor. Each child received the first letter of their name to work on. The children are using mega blocks to go onto the masking tape onto the outline of each letter.
Children learn best by hands on learning. We provide the children with fun activities to help reinforce learning their letters. This activiy can also be done with numbers or shapes.

Art Project – Painting
In the picture above the toddlers and the preschoolers are working on their art project for the day. They are painting paper plates to make a caterpillar.
We provide a daily program for the children in our care. We have a toddler and a preschool program and combine the children to work as a group whenever possible.
Each day our program includes a daily art project. The children like "art time best of all. The children have art projects that they complete each day, usually associated with that weeks theme. Each week we have a new theme, such as; butterfly week, pet week, flower week, plus many other weeks of themes.
You can click here to view our toddler themes
Or you can click here to view our preschool themes.
As you scroll down towards the bottom of the page, you will see a listing of our weekly themes.
In the picture above the preschooler is very proud of her "art project". She is holding up the very large caterpillar she made. The children painted paper plates and the teacher stapled them together to make a caterpillar.
We provide a daily program for the preschoolers in our care.
Our program includes circle time, art time, learning time and a special activity for each day of the week.
You can click here to view our preschool themes
As you scroll down towards the bottom of the page, you will see a listing of our weekly themes.
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Snow Project
In the above picture the children are working on their art project. Today the toddlers and preschoolers are working together on their art project. Whenever possible we have the children work on their art projects together as a group.
They are making a winter picture – that shows it is snowing outside. They are applying the glue first and then they will place some pieces of small white paper (for the snow) after.
This activity is from our December themes, you can view all our other themes, by scrolling towards the bottom of the page, our themes are sold by the month, and are only $15.00 per month as an instant download.
Lady Bug Project
In the picture above the toddler is working on her art project for the day. She is placing black stickers on her lady bug.
We provide a daily program for the toddlers in our care.
Our program includes circle time, art time, learning time and a special activity for each day of the week.
You can click here to view our toddler themes
As you scroll down towards the bottom of the page, you will see a listing of our weekly themes.
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We start our morning program with circle time. During circle time we discuss with the children the weather outside, what day it is, and go over that day's theme. We start with the weather chart and then move onto the calendar. After the children place the date on the calendar, we sing the 7 days of the week song and then we start our morning circle time activity.
You can visit my preschool themes and click on "sample" to view our morning circle time activities.
Or you can visit my toddler themes and click on "sample" to view our morning circle time activities.
Art Time
Each morning the children are provided with a craft activity associated with that mornings lesson.
My monthly curriculum is available in two seperate programs, one is for toddlers the other is for preschoolers, it is broken down into four weekly themes per month.
My preschool curriculum has a circle time, art project, learning activities, work sheets, coloring pages, songs and games included in each month of themes purchased. My preschool curriculum is designed to promote school readiness skills; help develop good manners, strength of character and social skills; and to foster creative play.
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My preschool program will teach the children to identify and comprehend numbers 1 through 20 PLUS help them learn their alphabet, shapes and colors. They will learn math skills including recognizing basic shapes, counting, sorting, sequencing, and sorting through lots of hands on activities, art projects, games, songs, stories and work sheets. Your children will learn through my educational program which provides a fun and creative curriculum which is based on a child-centered preschool program.
We also have a toddler program for the children sixteen months to two and half years of age.
Special Activity
My toddler curriculum has a circle time, art project, learning activities, coloring pages, songs and games included in each month of themes purchased.
My toddler curriculum is designed to promote fun and learning activities; opportunities for discovery and to foster creative play.
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