
View Infant Daily Schedule Below
Infant Schedule: View entire day below
Need to make an infant daily schedule? View our infant daily schedule below.
Our daily routine schedule for infants ( shown below) is just a guide to get you started, you will need to be flexible and feed the baby’s when they are hungry and put them to bed when they are tired. Infants should be talked to and played with on their own schedules. When baby's are up and awake follow the routines below for taking the babies outside and interacting with them. It's best to interact with the babies when they are awake and happy, spend some one on one time with each baby too, talk to baby, sing to baby and make sure you read to the babies in your care. If you need lesson plans for infant activities, songs or stories – please, click here.
Toddler Schedule: Need to make a toddler daily schedule? Click here to view our toddler daily schedule.
Preschool Schedule: Need to make a preschool daily schedule? Click here to view our preschool daily schedule.
View Infant Daily Routine Below
7:00 – 8:00 | Welcome! Good Morning! Children arrive, teachers greet parents and interact with the babies. Sit babies in your lap and offer them rattles, chew toys, rock them and sing to them, show them toys that have lights and music, lay baby under a play gym on a thick baby safe play mat. |
8:00 – 8:30 | Play time, floor time, tummy time, play gym or snuggles and singing. |
8:30 – 9:00 | Breakfast for older babies / bottles offered to younger babies, holding, snuggling, rocking, singing or reading. |
9:00 – 9:15 | Diaper Routine |
9:15 – 9:30 | Touch and sensory exploration activities with discovery baskets. |
9:30 – 10:00 | Outdoor time, stroller walks, easy pushes on the baby swing. |
10:00 – 11:00 | Diaper routine then nap time. |
11:00 – 12:00 | Lunch time for older babies / bottles offered to younger babies, holding, snuggling, rocking, singing or reading. |
12:00 – 2:00 | Diaper routine then afternoon nap. |
2:00 – 3:00 |
Diaper routine then snack for older babies/ bottles offered to younger babies, holding, snuggling, rocking, singing or reading.
3:00 – 4:00 | Outdoor time, stroller walks or easy pushes on the baby swing. |
4:00 – 5:00 | Diaper routine then play time, floor time, tummy time, play gym or snuggles and singing. Greet parents and say goodbye to children. |
Free Daily Schedules
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Download Toddler Daily Schedule |
Download Preschool Daily Schedule |
Infant Daycare Schedule
Please keep in mind: This schedule is only a general guideline this schedule is flexible and will be changed to adjust to baby’s needs.
Naps, snacks, lunch and bottles will be adjusted to baby’s own schedule.
Outdoor play will depend on the weather.
Diapers are changed every 2 hours or more often if needed.
Parents are welcome to visit unannounced at any time.
Baby Group Time: During the day, when babies are up, awake, happy and being social we will place the babies near each other for a baby group time experience. This will be a fun learning experience for the babies to see each other as we interact with the baby’s using this week’s theme with puppets, pictures or stuffed animals, reading a story, acting out a finger play or singing songs.
Outdoor Play: Outdoor play time for a young baby may consist of a walk in the carriage, sitting in teachers lap while hearing songs or stories, rocking in a chair with teacher or gentle pushes in a baby swing (when baby can sit up unattended).
Older babies outside time may consist of (same as above) or sitting on a playpen pad or a thick blanket outside with age appropriate toys.
Discovery Baskets: Older babies will have fun each day exploring the discovery baskets which contain materials to explore at their own pace. These items will be fun sensory items of different shapes and textures.
Infant Lesson Plans – Click here to view infant lesson plans.
Daily Schedule Form
Print Out Today!
Need a cute daily schedule?
We have a daily schedule in our package of 150 daycare forms.
You can print it out right after purchase and edit the form to fit the needs of your daycare or preschool and then display it on your bulletin board. Yes, you can edit the daily schedule and change the hours and activities as needed.
Our daily schedule (shown above) can be changed right on your computer and then just print it out.
Observe what time you usually serve meals,
read stories, plan art activities, go outside, put the children down for naps and write it down, keep track for a few days and then plan out your daily schedule, if you find you need to change the times or activities on the daily schedule shown above, simply open up the form and change it as needed to fit the needs of your daycare, it couldn't be easier! Just print out and place it where the parents can view it.
Click here to go to our daycare forms page.
We have over 150 daycare forms that you can edit, including a parents handbook, contract, food menus and many more.
Click here – to view our daycare forms. Right after purchase you will have instant access to the entire package of 150 daycare forms for only $15.00. Print out and start using today!