Infants R Learning
Fun Time Activity Curriculum
Ages 6 to 9 Months
Daily Lesson Plans – Colors
March Week 2
Day 3
Teaching Picture:
Color Black
This week you will be making the teaching pictures, you will be making a different colored happy face circle for each day. Today we will be working on the color black and you will be making a black happy face, see day one for instructions.
Show the picture to the infants and tell them what shape the picture is, the color of the shape, point out the eyes, nose, mouth and then point to your eyes, nose and mouth and then point to baby's eyes, nose and mouth. continue talking to baby about the picture, using your own words. Talking to baby is a good way to make a bond with the infants in your care, and help the infants feel calm and secure, plus infants enjoy listening to people talk to them and it actually helps to stimulate their brains.
Then refer to the language development below for more ideas on talking or singing to baby about today’s teaching picture.
Music: Mozart Music
Play Mozart music for the babies today.
Please Note: You can check at your local library and try to borrow some Mozart music to play for the babies, if they do not have Mozart music, try to select some different types of music to play for the children, such as; blues, classical, country, soft rock, etc.
Language Development: Black Circle
Tune to: “Where is thumb kin?”
Where is black circle? (Hold up black circle)
Where is black circle? (Point to the happy face black circle)
Here I am, (wave black circle)
Here I am (wave it again)
Point if you can, Point if you can.
To your eye, to your eye.
(Point to black circles eye and then your eye, encourage baby to point to the side of his eye, not right in his eye.)
Safety note: These are only for looking at; do not give these circles to the babies as they have small pieces on them which could pose a choking hazard.
Sign Language: Help Sign (review sign from week 1)
See Week 1
Song/Rhyme: Black Cat, Black Cat
Adapted from Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Black cat, Black cat, turn around, (Turn stuffed animal cat around)
Black cat, Black cat, touch the ground. (Touch cats nose to the ground)
Black cat, Black cat, reach up high, (Hold cat up in the air)
Black cat, Black cat, close your eyes. (Put your hand over cats eyes)
Black cat, Black cat, touch your nose, (Point to the cats nose)
Black cat, Black cat, touch your toes. (Point to the cats paws)
Black cat, Black cat, turn out the light, (Pretend to turn off the light)
Black cat, Black cat, say goodnight. (Lay the cat down like he is sleeping)
Directions: Hold up a black cat (stuffed animal) and use with the poem above to act out the movements.
Exercise: How Big Is Baby – Chest Stretch
Begin by placing baby onto a thick blanket or mat on his back on the floor.
Next – Place your forefingers into the palms of baby's hand to encourage him to grab your fingers. If baby does not take hold of your fingers, then carefully hold his forearms and slowly and gently open each of baby’s arms (at the same time) by gently pushing them open to the sides of his body and as you are gently pushing his arms open say “how big is baby, baby is this big!” then gently bring baby’s arms back to his chest, never force baby’s arms. This is a fun gentle chest stretch for baby.

Play Time: Fun With Color Cards
You will need: Large metal or plastic jar covers (no sharp edges), color card print out, cardstock paper, clear contact paper, glue.
Directions: Print out the color cards and cover with clear contact paper to make them durable, cut them apart and glue them inside the large sturdy plastic or metal jar covers, you may need to clip the pictures smaller to make them fit into the covers.
Activity: Sit baby up and pass him one or two of the jar covers with a sturdy plastic bowl, point out the pictures inside the jar covers and then show him how to drop the covers into the bowl.
If baby can not sit up on his own, sit him up in a bumbo seat with a tray or some other type of seat or hold him and show him the jar covers and the sturdy plastic bowl, show him how he can drop the jar covers into the bowl and hear the clink, clink, how he take them back out and drop them back in and dump them out, lots of fun!

Sensory/Learning Time: Black Circles
You will need: large black cloth hair scrunches
You will need one large cloth black hair scrunches for each baby. Place the hair scrunches on baby’s hand or wrist and show baby how to pull it off, after he pulls it off, teacher can put it back on and let baby pull it off again.
Massage: Squeezing Arms
Refer to massage booklet (separate print out)
Song/Rhyme: Old Mr. Brown Has A Pet Store
Tune to: "Old McDonald Had A Farm"
Old Mr. Brown has a pet store, EI Ei O
And in his store he has a black cat EI Ei O
With a meow, meow here and a meow, meow there
Everywhere a meow, meow
Old Mr. Brown has a pet store, EI Ei O
Directions: Hold up the black cat (stuffed animal) while singing the song above to the children.