12 Spooky Ghosts
Printable Book & Activities
Click the add to cart button above to purchase the 12 Spookie Ghosts book & 15 activities book pack
12.00 on sale for 5.99
On Sale For Limited Time!
Printable Book: Twelve Scary Ghost Rhyming Book (PDF File)
We are very excited to let you know about our new book packs. These packs are not lesson plans.
If you want Halloween lesson plans please click here. If you are looking for a fun book to read and some activities to go along with the book, please view below.
We have 15 preschool activities
for a Halloween theme, lots of fun ideas which you can view below, the instructions and printable pages will be available right after purchase! View our Halloween theme math activities and ideas for teaching and learning about Halloweens in your preschool below.
View all 15 items included in our book pack below!
Cute Rhyme:
Twelve Scary Ghosts Rhyme – Story
Print out rhyme and read to the children.
Printable Book: Twelve Scary Ghost Rhyming Book (PDF File)
Print out the rhyme onto copy paper and hole punch down the side of the pages on the left hand side and loose tie the pages together,
or staple down the left hand side (not recommended if children under 3 will be handling this).
Print out one copy and use for the classroom or print out one for each child and have them color the pages.
If you do only one book for the classroom,
have the children take turns coloring the pages and writing their names on the pages
they colored so later when you read the rhyme to the children they can look at the page that they and their friends colored.
This book and the Activities below are the items you will receive in our 12 Spooky Ghosts Book and Activities (PDF Files). Receive password right after purchase.
You can purchase this book and the Activities that go along with it at the bottom of the page.
Ghost Number Match Up Activity:
Match Up The Numbers
Activity 1: Ghost Number Match Up
Print game onto white cardstock paper.
This is a fun way for children to learn their numbers 1 – 10.
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
12 Ghost

Scare The Ghost Away – Game
Teaches Colors
Activity 2: Yell Boo! And Scare The Ghost Away – Game
Print out the ghost cards onto white cardstock paper.
Begin by reading the 12 Spooky Ghosts rhyming story to the children. (The story is not scarey).
After the story the children will play a fun game where they will scare the ghost away!
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Fine Motor Activity:

Fun way to teach and learn Numbers!
Teaches eye to hand co-ordination
Activity 3: Ghost Numbers Fine Motor Activity
Print out the cute ghost onto white cardstock paper and cut apart each card. These cards can be used with clothespins, but we are using a different activity with the ghosts, it is a fun fine motor activity and instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide after purchase.
The 12 Spooky Ghost book and 15 activities package can be purchased at the bottom of this page.
Instructions for this math activity will be in the math activity guide.
Match Up Numbers:

Number Recognition
Fine Motor Activity
Activity Activity 4: Match Up Activity
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.

Circle Time Activity
Or Math Activity
Activity 5: How Many Ghosts?
Print out the ghost and ghost cube die onto white cardstock paper. The children will be counting to 4 with this activity. If you want the children to count to a higher number print out more ghosts and use a dice with numbers up to 6 instead of the printable cube die.
The 12 spooky ghosts book (PDF File) and the 15 printable Activities (shown on this page) can be purchased at the bottom of this page.
Learning Numbers
Fun Game
Teaches Number Recognition
Activity 6: Ghost Memory Game
Print out the ghost cards onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper. There are 12 ghost in this file each holding up one numbers 1 – 12. The children will play a fun game of memory.
Instructions for this game will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Number Match Up:

Number Recognition
Fun way to focus on numbers!
Activity 7: Number Match Up Fun Educational Activity
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Fine Motor Activity:

Ghost Numbers
Teaches hand to eye co-ordination Plus the kids love it!
Activity 8: Ghost Numbers
Print out the cat number page onto white cardstock paper.
This is a fine motor activity and can be used with clothespins.
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Bingo

use With Letters
Or Numbers
Activity 9: Ghost Bingo
Print out the ghosts onto white cardstock paper and cut them cut out.
This game can be used with number or letters.
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Coloring Page
Color The Picture
Cute Halloween Coloring Page
Activity 10: Halloween Coloring Page
Print the coloring page onto copy paper, print out one for each child. Have the children color the ghost and the house.
How Many Ghosts?
Shake The Cube Die
Physical Motor Activity
Activity 11: Shake the Cube Die
Instructions for this activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Worksheet:

Cut and Paste
Number Recognition
Activity 12: Ghost Worksheets Cut & Paste
These worksheets are for the younger preschoolers learning to count to number 4. These worksheets are good for children beginning to count and number recognition. There are 3 of these worksheets.
Print worksheets onto copy paper and teacher will need to cut out the 4 numbers on the bottom row and give them to the child/ren along with some paste or glue and have them glue the correct numbers into the boxes.
Instructions for this math activity will be in the math activity guide.
Number Activity:

Ghost Numbers 1 thru 5 and Ghost Numbers 5 thru 9
Color The Numbers
Activity 13: Ghost Numbers 1 through 5 & 5 through 9 2 Ghost Coloring Pages
Print out the ghost number coloring pages onto white copy paper. This worksheet has numbers 5 through 9.
The children will color the numbers around the ghost different colors, such as all the number fives will be colored red, all the number
sixes will be colored green, all the number 7's will be colored blue, all the number 8's will be colored yellow and all the number 9's will be colored brown.
This worksheet will help the children to become aware of the numbers on the page and to focus on finding the different numbers along with learning how to listen to and follow directions.
Instructions for this math activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Number Worksheet:
How Many Ghosts?
Thinking skills, counting and number recognition
Activity 14: How Many Ghosts
These worksheets are for preschoolers learning to count to the number 6. There are2 of these worksheets.
Print worksheets onto copy. Have the children count the ghosts and then look at the numbers
under the ghost and circle the correct number.
In addition to counting children will learn number recognition and problem solving skills.
The numbers covered are from 1 to 6 so are primarily geared towards preschoolers and young children learning to count.
Instructions for this math activity will be in the ghost activity guide.
Ghost Numbers:
Trace The Numbers
beginner writing skills
Activity 15: Trace The Numbers
Print onto copy paper, you will need one per child. Have the children trace the numbers and color the ghost.
Numbers 1 – 12
Teach and Learn Numbers
Color The Numbers.
Activity 15: Numbers 1 – 12 With Circles
Print out the numbers onto white copy paper and have the children color the numbers, they may want to put circle stickers onto the circles on the number or reinforcement labels onto the circles.
The dot stickers or reinforcement stickers can be found at Wal-Mart in the office section or any office store.
You may wanto to have the children use a (do a dot paint marker) and have them dot the circles on the numbers.
There are 12 numbers.
Instructions for this activity will be in the math activity guide.
12 Spooky Ghost Book (PDF File) & 15 Activies Pack
Normal price is 12.00 on sale for limited time for only 5.99!!
This price includes the 12 Spooky Ghost Book (PDF File) and the 15 Activities above, all the activities shown above are included in the price!
Click the add to cart button above to purchase the 12 Spookie Ghosts book & 15 activities book pack
Purchase 12 Spooky Ghost Rhyming Book & Activities (PDF Files)
This pack is not lesson plans it is 15 preschool math activities
Plus the 12 Spooky Ghost Ryming Book (PDF File)
You will receive all 15 Activities shown above (PDF files) right after purchase, plus 12 Spooky Ghosts Rhyming Book
Download to your computer, print out as needed, can be used year after year!
Purchase today – On sale for limited time!!
Click the add to cart button above to purchase the 12 Spookie Ghosts book & 15 activities book pack
This rhyming story (12 Spooky Ghosts) can also be watched on at the top of this page on video, video is free to watch, video is not included in this package.