Our preschool curriculum consist of four week’s of themed lesson plans for each month that you purchase.
Our lesson plans are sold by the month or by the year. Our preschool curriculums can be purchased as a download for 15.00 or as a download and on a CD for 25.00 or you can purchase by the year for 150.00 as a download or 170.00 as a download and on a CD.
Our preschool curriculum has step–by–step lesson plans, we get a lot of feed back from our customers who say our lesson plans are very easy to follow and how they love using our
lesson plans in their preschools & daycares, but the best part is how much the children enjoy the activities and how much they are learning! The parents love seeing their little ones having fun while learning.
Our Preschool Curriculum Program
You will find all of our printable pages for the lesson plans in the download area. You will get a password right after you order to go to the download area to download or print out your order.
Our printable pages consist of lesson plans, four calendars that shows each days activities {5 days per week}, four posters {paper size}, supply lists and any printable pages that you may need for the activities for the month of preschool curriculum that you purchase.
You will be able to print out the materials right after purchase. Our materials are downloads and consist of four week’s of lesson plans, four edible weekly calendars, four weekly themed posters which are paper sized plus all printable pages needed for the month that you purchase.
Our curriculum can save you time and money, everything is ready for you to print out, the materials can be used year after year! Plus no waiting! As soon as you order you can download the materials, you don't have to wait for the items to arrive to your mailbox. You don't have to pay per child, you can print out as many as you need.
Please note: The posters are paper sized and work best being printed onto heavy paper such as white cardstock paper, which can usually be found at Wal-Mart, amazon.com or any office supply store.
Our Preschool Curriculum Includes
Four Weeks Of Lesson Plans
For Each Month Purchased
Weekly Lessons consist of: 
Circle Time Activities
Arts & Crafts
Pre Writing
Pre Reading
Fine Motor
Large Motor
Math {Numbers, shapes, counting, etc}
Words To Songs and Rhymes
Fun Educational Learning Materials
Craft Patterns
Step–by–step Daily lesson plans for each month purchased
Editable calendar – Four per month purchased – One for each weekly theme
Weekly posters – Four per month purchased – One for each weekly theme
Daily routines promoting thinking, talking, exploration, discovery, and learning.
Basic Supplies To Keep On Hand
You may want to keep basic supplys on hand, such as: Paper plates, cotton balls, paper bags, yarn, feathers, markers or crayons, construction paper, paint, craft sticks, stickers, etc.
Kids love using our program, parents love seeing their children exploring and learning, and you will love how easy the curriculum is to use!
Order today, start using the materials right away! Order with a creditcard and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the curriculum
for the month that you purchased right after purchase. Download right after payment is made with a creditcard.
Some of our lesson plans present cognitive skills while others concentrate on a positive learning environment for the preschoolers
to explore and learn through fun daily activities, which includes lots of hands on learning activities, words to songs, stories and many other learning based ideas.
Our preschool curriculum has a circle time, arts & crafts, the words to songs or rhymes, story time, pre reading, math, science, gross motor daily along with other types of activies such as fine motor, dramatic play, games and other fun hands on learning activities are included in each month of curriculum that you purchase.
Our preschool curriculum is designed to promote fun and learning activities; opportunities for discovery and to foster creative play, children learn by doing and our curriculum offers lots of hands on learning activities.
Concrete Skills:
Our preschool program is designed for hands on learning. We offer lots of activities to help develop motor skills and for discovering their world through weekly theamatic units involving lots of hands on learning activities, arts & crafts, games, creative learning ideas, songs and stories plus so much more!
Preschoolers will benefit using our educational program which will enhance the their natural learning process through a fun and creative curriculum which is focused on a child-centered preschool program.
Our preschool program will teach the children to identify and comprehend numbers 1 through 20 PLUS help them learn their alphabet, shapes and colors. They will learn math skills including recognizing basic shapes, counting, sorting, sequencing and sorting through lots of hands on activities, art projects, games, songs, stories and worksheets. Your children learn best if they enjoy what they are learning and our educational program which provides a fun and creative curriculum designed especially for preschoolers.
Social Skills:
Our preschool program will help build a child's Self-Esteem by teaching self-care and self-respect.
Our program includes songs, games, and activities that will help the child to learn and feel good about themselves. After a few months the children will gain a strong understanding of themselves and their environment around them.
Language Development Skills:
Our preschool program will help build a child's language skills. They will learn these skills through group activities, words to simple songs and rhymes, simple stories, play based learning ideas and sensory activites which will require their interaction with their friends, learning to take turns, sharing, laughter, participation and above all having a good time. Children learn best when they are happy and interested in what is being taught, teaching children with fun and creative activities will help stimulate their brains and help them to learn quicker when they get into school. These skills that they will be
learning will help them when they begin learning to read and write.
I have been using this curriculum for the past five years. It is truly fabulous! My children are learning so much and are having so much fun.
It is so great to have stories and rhymes incorporated with each day's lesson. I love the weekly Thematic units and so do my Parents. The Theme poster's are great
to put on your Parent Bulletin Board.
You do have to print out the pintables but the price is so reasonable that it is worth it. Other programs that I have looked into that send you everything already printed out are very expensive.
It is worth taking a few minutes to print out what you need for your daily lesson, plus you can use these lessons over and over again, year to year.
I have just started using the infant curriculum and I love it and so do my infants and parents. I cannot imagine running my program without this wonderful curriculum.
I hope you guys are around for a long time to come.
Susan – Dallas, Texas
Another Testimonial:
I have been purchasing your curriculum for a few months now and the kids love the program. I just wanted to say “Thanks for sharing your work with us”
Our Preschool Curriculum Program Includes
Our preschool curriculum program includes 4 week’s of lesson plans, 4 calendars, 4 posters (paper sized) plus the printable pages.
Our preschool program is a download for 15.00 for each month that you purchase as a download or you can purchase on a CD for $25.00 per month.
Our preschool curriculum program is available year-round.
You can purchase any month at any time, and instantly download to your computer.
Our curriculum can be purchased by the month for $15.00 as an instant download or $25.00 on a CD.
If purchased on a CD, the cost is $25.00 for each month that you purchase and this price does include shipping and handling charges.
Purchase 2 Or More Months To $$ Save Money
{Prices Below Are For Downloads – Add $10 For CD}
2 months for $25.00
3 months for $40.00
6 months for 75.00
The entire year for $150.00 {download} or $170.00 {Download & CD}
Please Note: Our entire year of preschool curriculum is on sale $150.00 {download} or $170.00 {Download & CD} .
Kids love using our program.
Parents love seeing their children exploring and learning.
And you will love how easy the curriculum is to use!
Order today and you can start using the materials right away! Order with a credit card and right after payment is made, you can start downloading the curriculum for the month that you purchased. Receive password instantly right after purchase is made.