Preschool Lesson Plans
June Week 2
Review Letters – Review Numbers
Safety Week
Day 5
Circle Time:
Crossing The Road
You will need a piece of cardboard about four feet long by two feet wide and paint it black. You should be able to find some cardboard at a local grocery store, just ask them for a box and cut it apart and duck tape it together to make the road and then using tempera paint, paint it black.
Teacher will need to tape some yellow strips of yellow construction paper down the center of the cardboard to make a road.
Teacher will cut out two circles and attach them to craft sticks, one will be red and the other one green. Have the children stand in a line and take turns crossing the road. Make a fun game of crossing the road, have each child take turns asking the teacher
"Teacher, teacher, may I cross the road?"
Then teacher will hold up the red sign and she will say, I have a red sign, can you cross the road? and the child will answer yes or no, teacher will say the sign is red what does "red mean" and everyone will yell out "stop".
Then teacher then will hold up the green sign and teacher will say my sign is now green, can you cross the road and child will answer yes or no, teacher will say the sign is green what does "green mean" and everyone will yell out "go".
Remind the children to look both ways before crossing the road.
Where Is Red Light – Song
Tune to "Freque Jacque"
Where is red light? Where is red light? (Have children hold up red sign.)
Here I am. Here I am. (Wave sign back and forth)
When you see me, when you see me. (Point at the red sign)
Stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop. (Hold hand up like to say stop)
Where is green light? Where is green light? (Have children hold up green sign.)
Here I am. Here I am. (Wave sign back and forth)
When you see me, when you see me. (Point at the green sign)
Go, go, go. Go, go, go. (Have the children walk across the room)
Art Time:
Traffic Light
You will need one piece of black construction paper per child. Cut the paper in half, lengthwise. You will white construction paper and red, yellow and green crayons or markers and some sturdy jar covers, such as; peanut butter jar covers or mayo covers and show the children how to hold the cover on the paper and trace around it to make three circles and then have color one cirlce red, one circle yellow and one circle green. When they are done coloring their circles have them cut them out and glue the circles onto the black construction paper to make a traffic light.
Teacher will make a traffic light before the chidren arrive today and hang in onto the wall where all the children can view it, to show the order of the colors that go onto the traffic light, the top light is red, the middle light is yellow and the bottom light is green.
Learning Time:
Green and Red Circles
You will need white construction paper and red and green crayons or markers and some sturdy jar covers, such as; peanut butter jar covers or mayo covers and show the children how to hold the cover on the paper and trace around it to make two circles and then have color one cirlce red and the other circle green. When they are done coloring their circles have them cut them out and tape each circle onto a large craft stick.
Have the children use their very own stop and go signs they just made with the "Where is red light – song" above.
Please Note: This activity will help to reinforce the shape circle, the colors red and green and give the children some practice cutting.
Special Activity:
Color the Traffic Light
Teacher will need to print out one traffic light per child onto copy paper.
Have the children color their traffic lights any color they want or they can look at the traffic light from earlier today that is hanging on the wall and color the traffic lights the correct colors, let them decide how they want to color their picture.
Red Light, Green Light Game
After they finish coloring have them play a game of red light, green light.
We have found that this activity works best outside. Take the children outside and then have them line up on one end of the playground. Tell them when you say green light they can start walking towards you, when you say red light they need to stop. The first child to tag you is it next. The child that "is it" will become the "new caller" and say green light and red light to the other children. Whoever reaches the child that "is it" wins and gets to be the next caller.
Repeat until the children tire of this activity.